Avoid the Bombs


Teresa is visiting family in Utah and I stayed home for some dental follow-up work and to take care of our dogs. The older dog of the two is struggling. He is older and I think he’s nearing the end. So sad.

Back to the geese. The last few times we hiked the bike path along the river we have seen so many geese. They seem to be more excitable lately. This gaggle of geese saw me coming and starting walking up the hill, but as I got closer, they became more excited. In fact, they took off in mass. It was fun to watch. I have to be honest, some of them flew over me and I was covering my head .. just in case they dropped a πŸ’© bomb on me.

The large gaggle flew up the river, then came back by and were joined by a second group that was just a little further up the trail. I managed a few photos and included them above.

~ Rick